Meet our Organizer


The information contained in this website RAADfest is provided by Coalition for Radical Life Extension a not-for-profit 501(C)(3)  Producers of RAADfest as a service/promotion to its users, subscribers, customers and possible others. It does not contain (legal) advice. Although we try to provide quality information, we do not guarantee of results obtained from the use of this information, and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of performance for a particular purpose.

Meet our Director


James Strole is the Executive Director of the Coalition for Radical Life Extension, which is the producer of RAADfest, the largest global event of its kind. James is also the the Co-Founder and Co-Director of People Unlimited, an organization that supports people interested in unlimited lifespans. Co-author of the book Just Getting Started: Fifty Years of Living Forever, James is a visionary anti-death activist and community builder who has spoken and written on radical life extension and physical immortality for over four decades. He has dedicated his life to challenging death-oriented beliefs and practices, and has coached thousands of people in living an ageless lifestyle to achieve healthier, fuller, more vibrant lives. He has appeared on numerous TV shows both domestically and abroad, and has spoken to audiences on four continents.

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